Learning Modules

Snapshots of the Black Radical Tradition

Language and Coloniality: Decolonial Concepts for US High School Curriculum

Methods of Decolonial and Historical Analysis

Language and Colonial Power in the Philippines

Filipinos: The Forgotten Asian-American

Soul Food as a Complex Cuisine: Decolonizing Conceptions of “Health”

Decolonizing Colonial Nostalgia in Hong Kong

(Post-)Colonial Identities in Hong Kong and Taiwan through Literature and Films

Redefining National Development in The Third World: Reproductive Regulation in Post-Colonial India

Constructing Hindu and Muslim Identities in India

Colonial Misconceptions: The British Raj

The Coloniality of Underdevelopment

The People and Politics Behind Partition and Pakistan

Colonialism and the Legacy of Bias in AI Research and Development

Contradictions of Decolonization, Postcolonialism, and Nation Building in India and (South) Korea

Decolonizing Gender, Decolonizing Sexuality

Food and Colonialism

What Does “Unity” Mean for (Anti-)Coloniality in Asia?

Power and Clothing: Exploring the Role of Fashion in Colonization and Resistance